Five Dumbest Questions Democrats Asked Mike Pompeo During His Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of State

Senate Democrats bombarded Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo with an array of questions Thursday, ranging from his views on same-sex marriage and climate change to which circumstances would cause him to resign. President Donald Trump selected Pompeo, currently the CIA director, to replace former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

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One Thought to “Five Dumbest Questions Democrats Asked Mike Pompeo During His Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of State”

  1. Bill

    Since when did this nation, and Im referring to the majority here, value same-sex marriage? When the most liberal state in the nation votes no to same-sex marriage when presented to the people, (California) yet it’s ignored by the liberal justice system, please don’t label it American values. Let’s refer to it as an attack on the true family fiber in the country. S. Booker, you play the puppet part very well. Sad it’s for such a small audience. It’s definitely not my nor is it’s the majority’s idea of American values.
